Category Archives: The Curse of St. Clementine



Tomorrow is going to be a great day. I will be finally meeting with Jennifer and Mercury to discuss Chameleon. Mercury loves it. She told our friend, Christian (the masterful MC) that it was an inclusive “work of art.” I am taken aback by the sweetness of that comment. I really believe this will be a powerful show. It has all the makings of it. I have to prepare what I need for October 12. I got to call my friend for the PA system and when I can pick up the stage for the show. I need to book some artists. I will be working on that tomorrow.

I had a really hectic day. My insurance made a huge error with my policy and if I did not pay the difference they seemed to forget to inform, I would have stood to lose my license and that could not happen! As you see, I was not able to write at all today. I cooked dinner today and when I say I cooked, it was the whole meal- not just the poultry! I am learning quickly how to fend for myself in the kitchen and it makes me feel happy. I love it.

I have nothing really much to say. I did not want to not write on the page today after my neglected hiatus. We are on a upward incline and it will only get better from here on out. I’m listening to some music right now and life is steady. Hopefully, it stays that way.

I am signing off. Goodnight and good luck.

The Return of Chameleon




Musical Inspirations of Chameleon


Welcome to the Whimsical World of Chameleon
